The last few days have been taken up with provisioning - I have approximately 1,778.6 pounds of provisions to load, not counting stove fuel, but including things like soap, vinegar, and bleach. Today we finally got all the canned goods on board, tomorrow the rest of the food will go aboard. With full water tanks and all canned goods on board, Odyssey is sitting noticeable lower in the water - trimmed stern down by about 2 inches, which is good since a lot of the remaining dry goods and condiments are going under the V-berth. I've installed 14 big plastic bins in the quarter berth, V-berth, and lazarette which are filled with cans and pasta, and then the vacuum bagged rice, flour, and dry goods will be going under the V-berth. Right now this sunday is looking like a good go-day (see below image from So I'm pushing to get all the food aboard tomorrow so the rest of the week can be used for last minute boat prep details.

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