Thursday, August 16, 2012


Avian Visitors after the Hurricane



  1. Eric -

    Great video and pics - keep 'em coming!
    Love the Sleeping Booby.
    Saw preparations for America's Cup Regatta while I was in SFO. Great looking boats! You should send your resume - or think about volunteering at one of their events?


    Cousin Randy from Chicago
    773.203.8954 text anytime

  2. Hey Eric looks like you've been offline for a while. Hope everything is Ok and you've just been busy.

    Thanks for the blog. I'm geting my I36 ready for a similar venture so learning some good tips from you, especially from the photos.

  3. Hi Luke - glad you're getting something out of it. Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions about how I fit out Odyssey - eric dot p dot loss at gmail dot com.
